와!!  코드가  포멧에 맞춰서 들어간다~~~



#include "SSD1306Wire.h" // legacy include: `#include "SSD1306.h"`

#define _CIRCLE_RAD 10

// (PIN NO) - 4 PhotoResistors (Front, Back, Left, Right)
const int prFrontPin = 36; // default A/D
const int prBackPin  = 39; // default A/D
const int prLeftPin  = 2;  // (*) this analog port dies if Wifi is enabled
const int prRightPin = 14; // (*) this analog port dies if Wifi is enabled
    // Also need to call on setup() to enable as A/D. "adcAttachPin(prLeftPin)";
    // Also need to call on setup() to enable as A/D. "adcAttachPin(prRightPin)";
/* PROBLEM WITH ESP32 A/D : GPIO25, GPIO26, GPIO4, GPIO0 did not work as A/D */  

// For Two Buttons
const int btnRUN      = 13; // Run
const int btnTraining = 15; // Training Neural Network

bool IsRunning = false;
bool IsTraining = false;

// For TB6612FNG Motor Driver

// Currently problem with short number of pins, I will use GPIO16 for all following 
// three pins on motor controller to put it HIGH,
// Will not use PWM, since this board sucks, and PWM has too much trouble.
// The OLED board that I used for this project is by far worst in all the ESP32 boards that I have used so far.
const int md_STBY_pin  = 16;  // Enables whole motor drive.
const int md_A_PWM_pin = 16; // Speed of Motor A 
const int md_B_PWM_pin = 16; // Speed of Motor B 

// I can disable motor A by in1 & in2 both LOW
const int md_AIN1_pin  = 26; // Direction of Motor A
const int md_AIN2_pin  = 0;  // Direction of Motor A

// I can disable motor B by in1 & in2 both LOW
const int md_BIN1_pin  = 12; // Direction of Motor B
const int md_BIN2_pin  = 25; // Direction of Motor B

// (VALUES) 4 PhotoResistors (Front, Back, Left, Right) 
int prFrontValue = 0;
int prBackValue  = 0;
int prLeftValue  = 0;
int prRightValue = 0;

SSD1306Wire  display(0x3c, 5, 4);

int MotorTestL = 0;  // 0 : stop, 1 : Forward, 2 : Backward
int MotorTestR = 0;  // 0 : stop, 1 : Forward, 2 : Backward

const int WheelLeft  = 32; // motor L on my design sheet
const int WheelRight = 27; // motor R on my design sheet

int r = 0; // Simple Counter to replace delay() in the main loop

String s; // Temporary string for general purpose

String sendbuff;
String commandstring;
String cs = ""; // Command String
String rs = ""; // Respond String = 'R' + Command String

char ReplyBuffer[] = "acknowledged"; // a string to send back
unsigned long preMillis = 0;
unsigned long curMillis = 0;

void drawTop(void) {
   display.drawCircle(10, display.getHeight()/2, _CIRCLE_RAD);

void drawBottom(void) {
   display.drawCircle(50, display.getHeight()/2, _CIRCLE_RAD);

void drawLeft(void) {
   display.drawCircle(30, display.getHeight()-12, _CIRCLE_RAD);

void drawRight(void) {
   display.drawCircle(30, 10, _CIRCLE_RAD);

void drawTest() {

void IRAM_ATTR onRunPressed() {
   if (IsRunning == false) {
      IsRunning = true;     
   } else {
      Serial.println("OFF RUN");   
   MotorTestL += 1;
   if (MotorTestL > 2) { MotorTestL = 0; }

void IRAM_ATTR onTrainingPressed() {
   if (IsTraining == false) {
      IsTraining = true;  
   } else {
      Serial.println("OFF TRAINING");   
   MotorTestR += 1;
   if (MotorTestR > 2) { MotorTestR = 0; }


void turn_right() {  // Turn Right
   digitalWrite(md_AIN1_pin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(md_AIN2_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN1_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN2_pin, HIGH);

void turn_left() {  // Turn Left
   digitalWrite(md_AIN1_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_AIN2_pin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN1_pin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN2_pin, LOW);

void move_forward() {  // 
   digitalWrite(md_AIN1_pin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(md_AIN2_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN1_pin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN2_pin, LOW);

void move_backward() {  // 
   digitalWrite(md_AIN1_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_AIN2_pin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN1_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN2_pin, HIGH);

void wheel_stop() {
   digitalWrite(md_AIN1_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_AIN2_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN1_pin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(md_BIN2_pin, LOW); 
void setup() { 
   r = 0;
   pinMode(btnRUN,   INPUT);     // BUTTON B1
   pinMode(btnTraining, INPUT);  // BUTTON B2

   attachInterrupt(btnRUN, onRunPressed, RISING);
   attachInterrupt(btnTraining, onTrainingPressed, RISING);

   pinMode(md_STBY_pin, OUTPUT); // 16; // (6 will CRASH) Enables whole motor drive.

   pinMode(md_AIN1_pin, OUTPUT); // 26;// Direction of Motor A
   pinMode(md_AIN2_pin, OUTPUT); // 0; // Direction of Motor A
//   pinMode(md_A_PWM_pin, OUTPUT);// 16; // Speed of Motor A 

   pinMode(md_BIN1_pin, OUTPUT); // 12;// Direction of Motor A
   pinMode(md_BIN2_pin, OUTPUT); // 25; // Direction of Motor A
//   pinMode(md_B_PWM_pin, OUTPUT);// 16; // Speed of Motor A 



   digitalWrite(md_STBY_pin, HIGH);  // it will make ON for both PWMA, PWMB also
//   digitalWrite(md_A_PWM_pin, HIGH);
//   digitalWrite(md_B_PWM_pin, HIGH);

   move_forward();  delay(1000);

   wheel_stop();    delay(1000);

   move_backward(); delay(1000);
   wheel_stop();    delay(1000);

   turn_right(); delay(1000);
   wheel_stop();    delay(1000);

   turn_left(); delay(1000);
   wheel_stop();    delay(1000);

void loop() {
   if (r > 650000){ // THIS IS DESCENT DELAY  // about 1 sec
      prFrontValue = analogRead(prFrontPin);   // delay in between reads for stability
      prBackValue = analogRead(prBackPin);    // delay in between reads for stability
      prLeftValue = analogRead(prLeftPin);   // delay in between reads for stability
      prRightValue = analogRead(prRightPin);  // delay in between reads for stability 
     // delay(50);  // delay in between reads for stability 

      s = " ";
      s += prFrontValue;
      s += ", ";
      s += prBackValue;
      s += ", ";
      s += prLeftValue;
      s += ", ";
      s += prRightValue;
      r = 0;

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