ESP32로 라이다 분석용 코드를 포팅했습니다. 그리고 검증용으로 PC로 x,y 점들을 보내게 했더니 나오네요.

카카오를 안써서 이곳에 영상을 못올립니다. 

영상과 선 연결 정보등은 페북에서 :


로그인 또는 가입하여 보기

Facebook에서 게시물, 사진 등을 확인하세요.

ESP32 쪽은 현재는 거의 초벌수준인 아주 엉성한 코드입니다.   PC쪽은 자신이 원하는 아무 프로그램으로 직접 만드셔야 합니다.

#define RXD2 16 // This line connects to TX of Lidar 
#define TXD2 17 // is not used

/*  On ESP32, there are D/A pin which emits voltage.
 *  You can set 5th pin of lidar to this D/A pin to change speed.
 *  0V = Maximum speed, 5V is Slowest or Stop.

int machine_pack_type = 40; // only 1 machine out of 4 of mine is 60, rests are 40
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 200;
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
String s;
String rs;
int i, j, k, counter, rmax, pack_type, data_length, start_angle, stop_angle;
int diff, length3, dataOk = 0;
int distance, data0, data1, data2, angle ;
float steplength, angle_per_sample, distanceDivided, anglef, distanceInMeter;
bool LadarActive = true;
int FullCircleDataSize = 0;
int ThisRoundCount = 0, maxThisRound = 0, x, y;
float anglePlus;

enum States {
   START1 = 0,
   START2 = 1,
   HEADER = 2,
   DATA = 3

float angle_list[120];
float distance_list[120];
int   quality_list[120];

States state;

void serial2Flush(){
  while(Serial2.available() > 0) {
    char t =;

void setup() {
   steplength = (PI*2);
   anglePlus  = PI/2;
   state = START1;
   Serial.begin(230400);  // To PC
   Serial2.begin(153600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2); // To Ridar
   s.reserve(200);    s = "";
   rs.reserve(260); rs = "";  // string to pass data

void loop() { 
   if (LadarActive) {
      if (Serial2.available() > 0) {  // Look for AA55
         if (state == START1) {
            dataOk = Serial2.readBytes(buf, 1);
            // Serial.println(dataOk); // 1 came out
            if (dataOk == 1) { 
               if (buf[0] == 0xAA) {
                  state = START2;
         } else if (state == START2) {  // Confirm 55
            dataOk = Serial2.readBytes(buf, 1); 
            // Serial.println(dataOk); // 1 came out
            if (dataOk == 1) { 
               if (buf[0] == 0x55) {
                  state = HEADER;
               } else {
                  state = START1;
         } else if (state == HEADER) {   // Read main data
            dataOk = Serial2.readBytes(buf, 8);
            // Serial.println(dataOk);  // 8 came out
            if (dataOk == 8) { 
               pack_type = buf[0];
               data_length = int(buf[1]);
               start_angle = int(buf[3] << 8) + int(buf[2]);
               stop_angle  = int(buf[5] << 8) + int(buf[4]);
               diff = stop_angle - start_angle;
               if (stop_angle < start_angle) {
                  diff =  0xB400 - start_angle + stop_angle;

               angle_per_sample = 0;
               if ((diff > 1) and ((data_length-1) > 0)) {
                  angle_per_sample = diff / (data_length-1);

               // Debug 
               s = ("#") + String(counter)
                  + (" t:") + pack_type
                  + (" l:") + data_length 
                  + (" sa:")+ start_angle 
                  + (" ta:")+ stop_angle
                  + (" f:") + diff
                  + (" as:")+ round(angle_per_sample);
               FullCircleDataSize += data_length;

               counter += 1;
               if (pack_type != machine_pack_type) {  // default = 40, for some device = 60
                  // about every 40 cycles, one full circle done.
                  s = ("Counter : ") + String(counter-1) 
                     + (" Cycle Size : ") + String(FullCircleDataSize*3);
                  //Serial.println("*"); // Send End of 1 Full Cycle
                  counter = 0;
                  FullCircleDataSize = 0;
               state = DATA;  
               rs = ""; 
         } else if (state == DATA) {   // Read main data
            state = START1;
            length3 = data_length * 3;
            dataOk = Serial2.readBytes(buf, (length3));

            s = " Data_length : " + String(data_length) 
               + "  dataOk :" + String(dataOk);
            // Serial.println(s); // usually 40, 120 came out
            if (dataOk == length3) { 
               for (int i = 0; i < data_length; i++) {
                  data0 = int(buf[i*3 + 0]);
                  data1 = int(buf[i*3 + 1]);
                  data2 = int(buf[i*3 + 2]); 
                  distance = (data2 << 8) + data1;

                  angle = (start_angle + angle_per_sample * i);
                  // 0xB400 = 46080, steplength = 2*PI, angle sample 20006
                  anglef = (steplength * angle) / 0xB400; // steplength = 2*PI
                  distanceDivided = distance / 100;

                  if (distanceDivided < 60) {
                     distanceInMeter = (distance/5); // div to convert mm to meter
                     y = distanceDivided * cos(anglef);
                     x = distanceDivided * sin(anglef);
                     // 0:556.00-556~0  // 1739:324.00-324~0
                     //rs += String(anglef) +(":") + String(distanceInMeter) + ("-")
                     //   + String(x) + ("~") + String(y) +(", "); 
                     if ((x != 0) and (y != 0)) { 
                        rs += ("[") + String(x) + (":") + String(y) + ("]");  
                     if (rs.length() > 240) { 
                         rs = "";
               //   angle_list[i] = anglef;

               //   distance_list[i] = distance / 1000; // div to convert mm to meter
               //   quality_list[i] = data0;
               Serial.println(rs); // send remaining
               if (pack_type != machine_pack_type) { // default = 40, for some device = 60
                  // Draw stuffs now if OLED is attached
                  Serial.println("*"); // Send End of 1 Full Cycle
               /*if (data_length > 0) {  // Draw data or prepare data to send
                  // Debug 
                  s = " Data_length : " + data_length;
                  for (int i = 0; i < data_length; i++) {
                     s += String(angle_list[i]) + (", ");



Simple pass-thru : (my local folder :  /SHARE/TTGO_Liligo/rider01_path_thru_esp32)

#define RXD2 16  
#define TXD2 17 // is not used

const int BUFFER_SIZE = 500;
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];

void setup() {
//  Serial.begin(230400);  // To Lazarus App
  Serial.begin(250000);  // To PC
  Serial2.begin(153600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2); // To Ridar

void loop() { 
  while (Serial2.available()){


현재 상태 : PC와의 UPD 통신, PWM, Motor Controller 용 GPIO, Encoder Reading 완료.

추가할 내용 : Timer Interrupt, I2C for GY-BNO055, PID 

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Parse.h"
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BNO055.h>

// ESP32's I2C Pin No.
#define _ESP32_HAL_I2C_H_

#ifdef _ESP32_HAL_I2C_H_
#define SDA_PIN 32
#define SCL_PIN 12

#define BUFFER_SIZE 100

#define THIS_MACHINE "002"  // Set this bot's no. : 2
const int ThisMachine = 2;

//IP address to send UDP data to:
const char * udpAddress = ""; // 저의 PC의 고정주소
const int udpPort = 6767;    // 제가 로봇용으로 주로 사용하는 포트번호

const char serverip[]="";
char packetBuffer[255];

//The udp library class
WiFiUDP udp;

//Are we currently connected?
boolean connected = false;

float ax, ay, az, aSqrt, gx, gy, gz, mDirection, mx, my, mz;

const char * host = "ESP32-02";
const char * networkName = "****";  // 집이나 사무실 와이파이 아이디
const char * networkPswd = "****";  // 와이파이 연결 비밀번호
char botresp[50] = "001-CCCC:4,000,000,000,000";  // default init size should be size of string + 1

String ToServerStr;

char ReplyBuffer[] = "acknowledged"; // a string to send back
unsigned long preMillis = 0;
unsigned long curMillis = 0;

///////////  BNO-055
TwoWire I2CBNO = TwoWire(0);
Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55, 0x29, &I2CBNO);
double xPos = 0, yPos = 0, headingVel = 0;
uint16_t BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS = 10; //how often to read data from the board

void ExecuteLogicalCommand() {
   // WHON : Wheel StandBy : Params ( on / off )
   if (((char)p2b_command[0] == 'W') and ((char)p2b_command[1] == 'H')) { 
      if (debugSerial) {
         s = "<*WHON=";  s += p2b_paramcount; s += ">";     
      digitalWrite(StandBy, param1);

   // FWDM : Forward Move 양 바퀴 전진, 첫 파라메터는 좌측 바퀴 속도, 둘째는 우측 바퀴 속도.
   if (((char)p2b_command[0] == 'F') and ((char)p2b_command[1] == 'W')) { 
      if (debugSerial) {
         s = "<*FWDM=";  s += p2b_paramcount; s += ">";     
      // Left Wheel (A)
      digitalWrite(Ain1, 1);
      digitalWrite(Ain2, 0);
      ledcWrite(WheelChannelLeft, param1);
      // Right Wheel (B)
      digitalWrite(Bin1, 0);
      digitalWrite(Bin2, 1);
      ledcWrite(WheelChannelRight, param2);   

      // BWDM : Backward Move 양 바퀴 후진, 첫 파라메터는 좌측 바퀴 속도, 둘째는 우측 바퀴 속도.
   if (((char)p2b_command[0] == 'B') and ((char)p2b_command[1] == 'W')) { 
      if (debugSerial) {
         s = "<*BWDM=";  s += p2b_paramcount; s += ">";     
      // Left Wheel (A)
      digitalWrite(Ain1, 0);
      digitalWrite(Ain2, 1);
      ledcWrite(WheelChannelLeft, param1);
      // Right Wheel (B) // Currently one signal not working on B (33, 34)
      digitalWrite(Bin1, 1);
      digitalWrite(Bin2, 0);
      ledcWrite(WheelChannelRight, param2);


void setupControlPins(){ 
   freq = 5000;
   resolution = 8;
   StartingSpeed = 0; // 0 - 255 (8 bit)   

   ledcSetup(WheelChannelLeft,  freq, resolution);
   ledcSetup(WheelChannelRight, freq, resolution);

   ledcAttachPin(WheelLeft,  WheelChannelLeft);
   ledcAttachPin(WheelRight, WheelChannelRight);

   ledcWrite(WheelRight, StartingSpeed);
   pinMode(Ain2, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(Ain1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(StandBy, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(Bin1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(Bin2, OUTPUT);
   ledcWrite(WheelLeft,  StartingSpeed);

   // Two encoder pins for wheels
   pinMode(Encoder2_A_Left, INPUT);
   pinMode(Encoder2_B_Right, INPUT);

void reset_encoder_count() {  // Reset before start moving
   count_AL = 0;
   count_BR = 0;
   last_count_AL = 0;
   last_count_BR = 0;

void ISR_Left_Encoder() {

void ISR_Right_Encoder() {

void setup() {
   setupControlPins(); // IO 핀들 세팅할 것.

   // 모든 시리얼은 드론에는 사용 못하고 다른 ESP32 Development Board에서 개발/디버깅 중에만 사용 가능합니다.
   Serial.begin(115200);  // 시리얼을 안쓰더라도 반드시 이렇게 놔 둘 것.

   //Connect to the WiFi network  네트웍에 연결
   connectToWiFi(networkName, networkPswd);

   // Wait for connection
   while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

   // 모든 시리얼은 무선 작동시에는 사용 못하고 디버깅 중에만 사용 가능합니다.

/*   Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN); // ESP32는 반드시 이렇게.
   //Serial.println("I2C enabled! ");

   I2CBNO.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN);
   if (!bno.begin()){
      Serial.print("No BNO055 detected");
      while (1);
   } */


   r = 0;

   // Encoder Setting
   pinMode(Encoder2_A_Left, INPUT_PULLUP);
   attachInterrupt(Encoder2_A_Left, ISR_Left_Encoder, FALLING);
   pinMode(Encoder2_B_Right, INPUT_PULLUP);
   attachInterrupt(Encoder2_B_Right, ISR_Right_Encoder, FALLING);

void uPrint(){   // print whatever in "udpStr" with station # and ending ">"
   s = "#";  s += THIS_MACHINE;  s += ":"; s += udpStr; s += ">";

void loop() {

   if ((r % 3000) == 0){ 
         //Send a packet
         udpStr = "#L/R: "; udpStr += count_AL; udpStr += ", ";  udpStr += count_BR; ;
         uPrint(); // it prints whatever in udpString      

   // Expected message format : <002-MECH:4,10,10,70,70>
   // "<"  beginning mark, 002 mechine no., MECH command, 4 params, + 4 values ,">" ending mark 
   //  3 digit machine no., 4 char command, # of params, params seperated by ","
   int packetSize = udp.parsePacket();
   if (packetSize) {
      int len =, 255); // here, len = packetSize
      if (len > 0) {
         packetBuffer[len] = 0;
         if (len < 51) {
            for (i=1;i<51;i++)
               botresp[i+3] = packetBuffer[i];            
      i = 0;

      while ((packetSize) >= i){
         inChar = packetBuffer[i];  // get the new byte:
         inputString[i] = inChar;
         // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
         if ((inChar == '#') or (inChar == '<')) {
            p2b_status = P2B_STAT_CMD;
            j = i-1;         
            // ===== Debug Purpose =====
            Serial.println("시작점  #, <");
         } else if (inChar == '>') {  // so the main loop can do something about it:

            // First, get the machine # first, who is this command to
            p2b_machno  = 0;
            if (inputString[j+1] != '0') {
               p2b_machno = (int(inputString[j+1])-48) * 100;
            if (inputString[j+2] != '0') {
               p2b_machno = p2b_machno + (int(inputString[j+2])-48) * 10;
            if (inputString[j+3] != '0') {
               p2b_machno = p2b_machno + (int(inputString[j+3])-48);
            // If this command is for ME (This machine)
            if (ThisMachine == p2b_machno){
               p2b_mach[0] = inputString[j+1];
               p2b_mach[1] = inputString[j+2];
               p2b_mach[2] = inputString[j+3];
               p2b_command[0] = inputString[j+5];
               p2b_command[1] = inputString[j+6];
               p2b_command[2] = inputString[j+7];
               p2b_command[3] = inputString[j+8];

               p2b_paramcount = int(inputString[j+10])-48; // take out 0

               Serial.print("Machine : ");
               Serial.print("Command :");
               Serial.print("Parameter Count : ");

               j = j + 12;  // now j is pointing param starting position 
               if (p2b_paramcount > 0) {
                  tempVal = 0; 
                  nPos = 0;
                  k = 1;
                  for (n=j;n<=packetSize;n++){
                     // end of param 
                     if ((inputString[n] == ',') or (inputString[n] == '>')){  
                        if (k == 1){
                           param1 = tempVal;
                           Serial.print("Param 1 : ");
                        if (k == 2){
                           param2 = tempVal;
                           Serial.print("Param 2 : ");
                        if (k == 3){
                           param3 = tempVal;
                           Serial.print("Param 3 : ");
                        if (k == 4){
                           param4 = tempVal;
                           Serial.print("Param 4 : ");
                        tempVal = 0; 
                        k++;  // Param No.
                        nPos = 0;
                     } else {
                        if (nPos == 1) {
                           tempVal = (byte(inputString[n]) - 48); 
                        } else {
                           tempVal = tempVal * 10 + (byte(inputString[n]) - 48); 
            //   Serial.println("");  
            } // end of if command is for this Machine
            i = 100;  // refresh counter
            stringComplete = true;
            p2b_status = P2B_STAT_NONE;
         } else {
            lp = i-1;  // set last position on each entry;
   }   //  while ((packetSize) >= i){
   if (stringComplete) {

   if (r == 5000) { 
//      if (contGetAll) {  GetAll();     }
//      if (contAccel)  {  Get3DAccel(); } 
//      if (contGyro)   {  Get3DGyro();  } 
//      if (contMag)    {  Get3DMag();   }  
//      if (contHeight) {  GetHeight();  }        
   // Reset r
   if (r > 1000000) { r = 0; }


void connectToWiFi(const char * ssid, const char * pwd){
  Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi network: " + String(ssid));

  // delete old config
  //register event handler
  //Initiate connection
  WiFi.begin(ssid, pwd);

  connected = true;

  Serial.println("Waiting for WIFI connection...");

//wifi event handler
void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event){
    switch(event) {
          //When connected set 
          Serial.print("WiFi connected! IP address: ");
          //initializes the UDP state
          //This initializes the transfer buffer
          connected = true;
          Serial.println("WiFi lost connection");
          connected = false;
      default: break;


Parse.h 화일

int P2B_NEWLINE  = 11; // < -- Beginning of Command to Remote Control that controls R/C Car
int P2B_COM_TYPE = 12; // 0..9 -- First 2 letters following "<"
                       // Total Command Types : 10 x 10 = 100
int P2B_DATA     = 12; // Data section
int P2B_ENDING   = 13; // > -- End of Message Signal

int P2B_STAT_NONE = 1; // Do nothing until '<' has received
int P2B_STAT_CMD  = 2; // Accepting Command
int P2B_STAT_DATA = 3; // Accepting Command data
int P2B_STAT_END  = 4; // '>' has receieve, it is the end of   command;

char p2b_mach[4];
char p2b_command[5];
char p2b_data[50];
int  p2b_machno = 0;
int  p2b_paramcount = 0;
int  p2b_status = 0;

int i = 0; // dumb int
int j = 0; // dumb int
int k = 0; // dumb int
int n = 0; // dumb int
int lp =0; // dumb last position of input command string

int r = 0; // Simple Counter to replace delay() in the main loop

String s; // Temporary string for general purpose
String udpStr; 

boolean debugSerial = false;

char    inputString[200];           // a string to hold incoming data
boolean stringComplete = false;  // whether the string is complete
char    inChar;
String  tempStr;
char    buffer[12]; // buffer used for itoa  (int to string conversion)
int     inlen = 0;  // Length of inputString
char    RemoteString[50];    
// value from PC Command (integer params 1 .. 4 max) 
int     paramcount = 0; // How many params in input String
int     param1 = -1;  // value from PC Command (Param 1)
int     param2 = -1;  // value from PC Command (Param 2)
int     param3 = -1;  // value from PC Command (Param 3)
int     param4 = -1;  // value from PC Command (Param 4)

int tempVal = 0;
int nPos = 1;

float fparam1 = 0.0; 
float fparam2 = 0.0; 
float fparam3 = 0.0; 
float fparam4 = 0.0; 

boolean SecondParam = false;   // Now gettign second parameter (after ,)

// Wheel PWM Related Definitions
// A = Left, B = Right

int WheelChannelLeft  = 0; // motor A PWM Channel
int WheelChannelRight = 1; // motor B PWM Channel

// NEW PINS 19, 23, 26, 5, 18
const int WheelLeft  = 19; // GREY - motor A on my design sheet
const int Ain2 = 25;       // WHITE
const int Ain1 = 23;       // ORANGE
const int StandBy = 5;     // YELLOW
const int Bin1 = 14;       // PINK (34 didn't work, changed to 14
const int Bin2 = 33;       // BROWN
const int WheelRight = 18; // BLUE - motor B on my design sheet

// Speed Read from Encoder
const int Encoder2_A_Left  = 36;  // Yellow Color 
const int Encoder2_B_Right = 26;  // Yellow Color 
int count_AL = 0;
int count_BR = 0;
int last_count_AL = 0;
int last_count_BR = 0;

int freq = 5000;
int resolution = 8;

int StartingSpeed = 0; // 0 - 255 (8 bit)

int targetHeight = 0;
int msAi = 0;  
int msBi = 0;
int msCi = 0;
int msDi = 0;
int maximumSpeed = 50;

int height = 0;
int targetLR = 0;  // Target Left/Right
int targetFB = 0;  // Target Forward / Backward
int targetTN = 0;  // Target Turn (+ CW, - CCW)

boolean contMag = false;
boolean contAccel = false;
boolean contGyro = false;
boolean contHeight = false;
boolean contGetAll = false;
boolean AutoBalancing = true;
boolean NoOffset = false;


void ClearP2BCommand() {
   p2b_mach[0] = 0;  // null
   p2b_mach[1] = 0;  // null
   p2b_mach[2] = 0;  // null
   p2b_mach[3] = 0;  // null   
   p2b_command[0] = 0;  // null
   p2b_command[1] = 0;  // null
   p2b_command[2] = 0;  // null   
   p2b_command[3] = 0;  // null
   p2b_command[4] = 0;  // null 
   for (int i=0; i <= 49; i++){
      p2b_data[i] = 0;  // null
   p2b_machno = 0;

   // set as none, 0 could be value
   param1 = -1;  // 
   param2 = -1;  // 
   param3 = -1;  // 
   param4 = -1;  // 

   SecondParam = false;

void ClearRemoteString() {
   for (i=0;i<=49;i++) {
      RemoteString[i] = 0;

void ClearParamsAndInputstring(){
   // clear the string:
   for (i=0;i<=49;i++) {
      inputString[i] = 0;
   i = 0;
   j = 0;

   paramcount = 0; // How many params in input String
   param1 = -1; 
   param2 = -1; 
   param3 = -1; 
   param4 = -1; 
   fparam1 = 0.0; 
   fparam2 = 0.0; 
   fparam3 = 0.0; 
   fparam4 = 0.0;
   stringComplete = false;

'ESP32 BOT > My ESP32 Bot' 카테고리의 다른 글

My ESP32 Bot - The beginning.  (0) 2021.11.03

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